
“Gratitude opens the door to….the power, the wisdom, the creativity of the universe. You open the door through gratitude” — DEEPAK CHOPRA.

Gratitude is a state of thankfulness and appreciation, to things that are valuable and important to oneself. Gratitude makes us realize and appreciate what good things we have inn our lives, which we sometimes tend to forget. It helps us in connecting to ourselves, to people who are around us, to the wonders of nature.

In Positive Psychology, Gratitude is the basis for happiness, for feeling happy from within, and for feeling more positive emotions, eradicating the negative ones, making us relish good experiences, making a positive change and making stronger to with stand adversity, and have a larger good impact on the health and over all well being. Gratitude becomes the basis for strong and positive basis for relationships, strengthening the bond.

According to Psychologists and Behaviorists, Gratitude holds that the happiest people are the ones who choose to be happy by showing gratitude regardless of the circumstances. It changes the mindset of the person, and the person start view self, and the world in a new brighter perspective. Numerous researchers like Sonja Lyubomirsky who is a happiness expert suggests that in order to be happy, practice gratitude as it increases your happiness level. It increases the positive attitude you have towards life, bring in enthusiasm, joy and optimism and you start living your life to the fullest.

Gratitude strengthens the relationships, when you as a partner express your gratitude, towards other, they become more satisfied with the relationship, thus developing a stronger bond. Gratitude helps in relaxing your mind, and you become more open to new ideas and wonders, look into your problems with a new light, which helps in making you non judgmental towards yourself and others, thus approaching to solve problems in a better manner.

Start by:

  • keeping a gratitude journal.
  • thanking someone mentally, and wishing them well.
  • count the blessing you have.
  • write a thank you note, for expressing gratitude.
  • thank God for your blessings.
  • Start your day by appreciating things that you have in our life, no matter how big or small they are.

I’m currently reading this wonderful book and I’m on the first chapter. Do read it 🙂


