Relaxation tools library 

Art of Social Work

If you haven’t noticed it yet, I LoVe tangible take home interventions. 🙂 This is one of the reasons I find making things like stress-balls and glitter bottles in session with clients to be so helpful. Let’s be honest though, kids don’t always remember to take them to places like school or other structured environments where they seem to need them most.

I am a school based therapist and I recently started my own supply basket of fidgets such as glitter bottles, sand timers, bendable toys, and stress balls. I then made a sign out sheet for these items to rent them for the day. I put the paper inside of a sheet protector so dry erase markers can be used and paper can be saved. 😉
I included the date, what the fidget is that they are borrowing, the purpose (helping remind them of when and how…

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